Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) School of Nursing(SoN) held its 12th annual graduation ceremony on 29th November 2019 at the KNH administration grounds. The event saw a total of 101 graduands receive their Diploma and Certificate merit awards. In attendance were Dr. Simon Kipchirchir Kibias, Head Directorate Health Standard Quality and Regulations (HDH SQR) who graced the occasion as the Guest of Honor representing the CS Health Ms Sicily Kariuki, Board representative Dr Julius Ogato, Principal KNH School of Nursing Mrs. Jane Chore, Deputy Director Nursing Services (DDNS) Mrs. Judith Mugambi, KNH staff, family and friends of graduating students.
“I am pleased to note that these graduands will champion the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by up-scaling the utilization of the government sponsored medical equipment for specialized healthcare in the county referral hospitals,” Dr. Simon Kibias confirmed.
In a message from the KNH Chief Executive Officer (CEO),read by the Director Corporate Services MR.Carylus Odiango, Dr. Evanson Kamuri congratulated the graduands for their remarkable achievement. He emphasized on the importance of training of medical personnel such as nurses as a priority since nursing is the focal point of healthcare provision in line with the KNH core mandate.The CEO appreciated the school’s efforts in decongesting the hospital, whereby those trained have helped in opening up specialized units in the county hospitals countrywide. “This has positively contributed to UHC , ensuring patients and communities receive health services they need without suffering financial hardships,” he stated.
In line with the KNH vision to be a world-class patient-centered specialized care hospital, the school provides a variety of courses. Nephrology Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Accident and Emergency Nursing, Oncology Nursing, Perioperative Nursing, and Neonatal Nursing are among the higher Diploma courses offered. Stoma and Wound Care, Theatre Sterile Assistant (TSA) are also some of the certificate courses one can benefit from ranging between a period of 5 days to one year
The school started 23 years ago with 2 in-house training programs for KNH staff but has since evolved as an icon of specialized nursing training in the region. With this initiative, KNH has manned specialized nursing training which has benefited not only the Kenyan population but also beyond our borders in the East and Central African Regions such as Rwanda and Zambia.