“UANDISHI-Building Capacity for Writing Scientific Manuscripts” is an innovative and experiential training program in mentoring and scientific manuscript writing. UANDISHI is supported by IAVI and is hosted at KAVI-Institute of Clinical Research, University of Nairobi.

This is a call for applicants (mentees), for a mentored Scientific Manuscript Writing course, from 9th

September to 30th November 2024. This training program will be delivered online, and will involve workshops and individualized mentorship while developing a manuscript for submission to a peer reviewed journal. The mentorship and training will consist of:

▪ Basic Statistics for data analysis from 9th to 13th September 2024: During these sessions, mentees will be equipped with basic skills to enable them work with their datasets and summarize it into tables and figures.

▪ Scientific Writing Workshop and Mentoring from 18th September to 16th October 2024 (5-hour live sessions once a week for 5 weeks): This will be an interactive workshop consisting of presentations during the live sessions followed by mentorship during the week, and completion of an assignment each week.

▪ Submission for Peer Review by 23rd October 2024: Mentees will submit a complete manuscript draft for internal peer review. Each mentee will also have an opportunity to review another mentee’s draft manuscript.

▪ Peer review of manuscripts from 18th to 22nd November 2023: Each mentee will receive feedback on their draft manuscript. This will be followed by manuscript finalization and submission to a peer-reviewed journal for publication.

Applicants should be postgraduate students of UON (Masters/Fellowship/PhD) or research staff from IAVI-affiliated Clinical Research Centres listed below, should possess research data, and be willing to develop a manuscript from their data.

If interested in participating in the programme as a mentee please use the link below to submit your application and attach the following supporting documents: Curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages), confirmation of IRB approval for the research data you intend to publish, and a letter of support from your Head of Department.

Deadline for applications is 18th August 2024.

If you have any questions about the application please email to and; for questions about the program please contact the program Lead/Principal

Investigator, Dr. G. Omosa-Manyonyi, at

Clinical Research Centers (Africa)

▪ Aurum Institute (South Africa)

▪ Center for Family Health Research (Rwanda)

▪ Center for Family Health Research (Zambia)

▪ KAVI Institute of Clinical Research (Kenya)

▪ Kenya Medical Research Institute-Wellcome Trust Research Programme

▪ Medical Research Council/Uganda Virus Research Institute– London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Uganda)

▪ Uganda Virus Research Institute-IAVI

▪ Univ. Kwa-Zulu Natal, HIV Pathogenesis Programme (South Africa)

▪ National Institute for Communicable Diseases (South Africa)

News Type
Research News