Thoithi Grace
Grace Thoithi is a holder of Doctor of Philosophy and Masters of Pharmaceutical Sciences degrees from Katholieke University Leuven, and a Bachelor of Pharmacy from the University of Nairobi. She is a Professor of PharmaceuticalChemistry,the immediate former Dean of School of Pharmacy and has held manyadministrative duties at the University of Nairobi.Gracehas served as a consultantin the field of regulatory and pharmaceutical servicesfor national and international organizations such as Ministry of Health, Pharmacy and Poisons Board, Kenyatta National Hospitaland the World Health Organisation.She has also beena Board of Management Member and Chair for the National Quality Control Laboratory; a Task Force Member, Health Research Capacity Strengthening Initiative,ajoint initiative of Wellcome Trust, Department of Foreign International Development (DFID), International Development Research Centre (IDRC); and a Member, Interim Executive Committee for the creation of a National Health Research Consortium.She is a Representative of the East African Community Partner States in the African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization Advisory committee, a member of the E11(R1) Expert Working Group of the ICH and an editor of the East and Central Africa Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Her research interest is in the field of pharmaceutical analysis and phytochemistry, for which she has been a recipient of grants from various doors including International Foundation for Science, Sweden;Africa Career Awards, Rockefeller Foundation, U.S.A.; and the European Community.She has taught and supervised manyMaster of Pharmacy students as well as Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacy)students. Grace has more than fortypublications in peer reviewed journals. .