Study shows top 10 priorities for peri‐operative research in Africa

Deaths following surgery are the third largest contributor to deaths globally, and in Africa are twice the global average.

There is a need for a perioperative research agenda to ensure coordinated, collaborative research efforts across Africa in order to decrease perioperative mortality.

The objective was to determine the top 10 research priorities for perioperative research in Africa. A Delphi technique was used to establish consensus on the top research priorities.

The top 10 research priorities identified were:

  1. Develop training standards for perioperative healthcare providers (surgical, anaesthesia and nursing) in Africa;
  2. Develop minimum provision of care standards for perioperative healthcare providers (surgical, anaesthesia and nursing) in Africa;
  3. Early identification and management of mothers at risk from peripartum haemorrhage in the perioperative period;
  4. The role of communication and teamwork between surgical, anaesthetic, nursing and other teams involved in perioperative care;
  5. A facility audit/African World Health Organization situational analysis tool audit to assess emergency and essential surgical care, which includes anaesthetic equipment available and level of training and knowledge of perioperative healthcare providers (surgeons, anaesthetists and nurses);
  6. Establishing evidencebased practice guidelines for perioperative physicians in Africa;
  7. Economic analysis of strategies to finance access to surgery in Africa;
  8. Establishment of a minimum dataset surgical registry;
  9. A quality improvement programme to improve implementation of the surgical safety checklist; and
  10. Perioperative outcomes associated with emergency surgery. These perioperative research priorities provide the structure for an intermediateterm research agenda to improve perioperative outcomes across Africa.

Prof. Zipporah Ngumi from the Department of Anaesthesia was among the authors of the study that was published on 5th January, 2020.

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