STUDY: Vaginal washing reduces probability of conception

A study conducted by scholars from the University of Nairobi has shown that women who are exposed
to vaginal washing have a lower chance of conceiving naturally compared to those who do not practice
vaginal washing especially around their fertility period of their cycle.
According to the study, women who practice vaginal washing with water only have a higher chance of getting pregnant compared to those who wash with water and soap.
During the study, the women were subjected to further tests including HIV presence and BV presence to ensure that they had no underlying issue preventing 100% conception chance. Past infertility diagnosis was a factor to be considered.
The scholars concluded that generally women who practiced vaginal washing with water only had a
higher fecundability prospect compared to those who practiced washing with soap. Even though vaginal
washing has no scientific benefit, many women practice it. Non-washers were found to have a higher
possibility of conceiving.
Further findings of this study can be found here.

News Type
Research News