
Contact information

Address: P.O Box 19676, Nairobi, Kenya Phone: 254 –020-2724639 Nairobi (Office); 254-020-890601(house) Mobile: 254 -0722-955 230 E-mail: Jolenja@uonbi.ac.ke Jolenja@yahoo.com;

Recent publications

Olenja, Joyce.; Pamela Godia, ; Josephine, Kibaru; Thadeus ,Egondi 2009. Influence of provider training on quality of emergency obstetric care in Kenya. Kenya working paper no.3. Calverton, Maryland, USA:Macro International Inc.

Njoroge PK, Olenja JM, Kibaru J Obstetric Fistula: An Avoidable Outcome of the Three Classic Delays. In Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in East and Central Africa JOGECA 2006

Olenja, J. M. Health Seeking Behaviour in context. East African Medical Journal. (EAMJ). 2003

Olenja, J.; Ndavi P.; Muia, E.; Curtis S, Kizito, P.; Hyslop, A; Ng’ang’a, S. Client satisfaction as a measure of quality of care among Antenatal clinic clients. In Factors That Contribute To The Utilization Of Quality Reproductive Health Care. Chapter 5 pages 37-55. 2003. Measure Evaluation


. Ndavi P.; Muia, E.; Olenja, J.M.; Curtis S; Kizito, P.; Hyslop, A; Ng’ang’a, S.; An analysis of training in the provision of family planning services in Kenya. In Factors That Contribute To The Utilization Of Quality Reproductive Health Care. Chapter 4 pages 23-35. 2003. Measure Evaluation.