Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling Technique as an alternative for complete diagnostic autopsy

Scholars conducted a study to determine whether the time-frame between the time of death and when
samples for Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling (MITS) were collected affects the results gotten.
MITS technique is an alternative for complete diagnostic autopsy. It involves sampling specific tissue-cell samples for determining the cause of death. This method however, must be aided by other data for it to be successful. It is mostly used by low and middle income level countries because of its cost effective nature.

AMSUN hosts inaugural white coat ceremony for freshmen

Becoming a medical student is in itself a big feat. Not only is it the first of many steps towards becoming a doctor, but it is also the beginning of a journey of 6 years that is like no other.
For this reason, the Association of Medical Students at the University of Nairobi (AMSUN), decided to usher in the new crop of medical students in the style and manner that this momentous occasion deserves.
That is with the first ever White Coat ceremony at the university.