Otieno Fredrick C. F.

Otieno Fredrick C. F.

Associate Professor of Internal Medicine / Endocrinology Specialist Diabetologist

Prof. Fredrick C. F. Otieno ai an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine / Endocrinology Specialist Diabetologist.




Contact information

P. O. Box 54139 | NAIROBI | KENYA Tel: +254 724 792 278 | Residence: +254 020 2722655 E-mail: cfotieno@yahoo.com

Recent publications

Kimando, MW, Otieno CF F, Ogola EN, Mutai K.Adequacy of control of cardiovascular risk factors in ambulatory patients with type 2 diabetes attending diabetes out-patients clinic at a county hospital, Kenya. BMC Endocrine Disorders 2017; 17:73

Gulam A H, Otieno CF, Omondi-Oyoo G. Prevalence of Psychological Insulin Resistance among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya. Health Science Journal, 2017; 11:3.

3. Omonge E, Otieno CF, Kubo MN and Shiruli B. et al. Poncet’s disease in human immune defciOmonge E, Otieno CF, Kubo MN and Shiruli B. et al. Poncet’s disease in human immune defciency virus: a case report. BMC Res Notes (2017) 10:203

4. Monicah W. Karara, Fredrick C. Otieno, Faith A. Okalebo, Elizabeth Lamos, and Isaac O. Kibwage., Determinants of insulin-related knowledge among health care providers at a county referral hospital in Kenya. Afr J Pharmacol. Ther. 2016. 5(5): 74-80