AMSUN hosts 14th scientific and innovation conference

A group photo of the Association of Medical Students of the University of Nairobi (AMSUN) 2024 participants.

The Association of Medical Students of the University of Nairobi (AMSUN) held the 14th edition of its scientific and innovation conference on the 20th and 21st of June, 2024 at the Chandaria Centre for Performing arts, University of Nairobi Towers.

The association holds a scientific conference that aims to nurture young scientists and foster positive research culture among them in the field of health.

The conference is indisputably an excellent platform to learn about the latest research findings and advances in various fields, providing them with an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of various topics discussed relevant to their field.

The conference provides an opportunity to meet with other medical professionals, researchers and students hence building professional connections that provide avenues for collaborations in the future.

The theme for the 2024 conference was; “Shaping the future of Medicine through Research and Innovation”.

The conference brought together a number of student innovators and researchers with presentations on clinical sciences and innovation.

The conference also included mentorship sessions by both faculty members and invited guests to shed more light on research and innovation.

Watch the conference proceedings on youtube.