NUPSA elections 2022

Procedure on how to cast your vote.

1. Login to the eVote system (
2. Navigate to My Ballots
Note: You are already enrolled in NUPSA Ballot, which you are eligible to vote
3. Click on the red poll icon

4. Select the post you would like to cast a vote (E.g Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasure etc)
5. Select your Preferred candidate
6. Submit your vote by clicking the button “CAST YOUR VOTE”

NOTE: Username: Registration number without slashes:
             Password: Your AD/E-class password
NOTE: To reset your AD/E-class Password, Go To:
Note: If you login and you cannot see any ballot it means you are not enrolled to a ballot. Please consult
the department administrator.

NUPSA elections 2022 voters register.

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