UoN/KNH Zoom Meetings on COVID 19 disease, 8th to 12th June, 2020

June 8, 12:45 pm

You are invited to a KNH -UoN Zoom webinar.
Monday 8th June 2020: 2-3.30pm
-       Experiences nursing COVID 19 patients
Tuesday 9th June 2020: 7-8.30pm
-       Adult in-patient COVID treatment protocols in Seattle, USA
Wednesday 10th June 2020: 2-3-30pm
-       Home based care for patients with COVID-19
Thursday 11th June 2020: 2-3.30pm
-       Overcoming psychosocial distress
Friday 12th June 2020:
-       10-12 pm - Experiences managing COVID-19 disease
-       7-8.30 pm - Maintaining routine medical care in the face of COVID-19: Seattle, USA
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If NOT Registered, use link below to register in advance for the webinar:

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