Launch of Wondfo & UoN laboratory training centre

The University of Nairobi (UoN) and Wondfo Biotech Company Limited jointly launched a laboratory training center that will offer an opportunity to local researchers jointly with their counterparts from China to innovate technologies that are best suited in addressing local health challenges.

The launch of the centre came as a result of a signed collaboration between UoN and Wondfo Biotech Company Limited, a Chinese manufacturer and distributor of diagnostic equipment.

CALL FOR PAPERS: 6 th International Conference on Health (ICH 2023)

The University of Nairobi Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) and Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) will host the 6th International Conference on Health (ICH 2023) from 12th to 13th October, 2023.

The conference will bring together leading healthcare practitioners and intellectual leaders from Kenya and around the world. The insights from the conference will provide directions for the health agenda in Kenya and globally.


Optimising health outcomes through evidence based care.


Knowledge and Attitudes Among Nurses and Midwives on Female Genital Mutilation in Cyprus and Kenya

A comparative study on knowledge and attitudes of Female Genital Mutilation was conducted nurses and midwives in Cyprus and Kenya.

It is estimated that 200 million women are living with Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). FGM is a violation of human rights. It has detrimental effects on women's physical and psychological health. Nurses and midwives have an essential role in the management and prevention of FGM.